Complaints procedure

NFIR beeldmerk kleur
NFIR beeldmerk kleur

Complaints procedure

NFIR strictly works in accordance with the Privacy Code of Conduct for Private Detective Agencies, section Private Detective Agencies of the Dutch Security Industry, under the supervision of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA). The NFIR Complaints procedure is in accordance with Article 18 (establishing the complaints procedure) of the Regulations for Private Security Organisations and Investigative Agencies. NFIR does not charge any costs for submitting and handling a complaint. NFIR distinguishes between complaints about (1) the quality of service and (2) about NFIR acting as a private investigation agency within the meaning of the WPBR. In either case, an NFIR customer can report the complaint to

A complaint must be submitted in writing within six weeks of the date on which the conduct complained of took place. The complaint must be submitted toklachten@nfir.nlor


t.a.v. Complaint handling NFIR

Laan van Zuid Hoorn 165

2289 DD Rijswijk

The notice of complaint must in any case contain a statement of complaint:

A. Name, (e-mail) address complainant;B. Date;C. Project name and number of NFIR to which the complaint relates or relates (if applicable);D. Description of the conduct and/or service objected to;E. The basis on which the complainant objects

Management reviews the complaint and ensures that the processing of the complaint, within 14 business days of its receipt, is confirmed to the complainant via a acknowledgement email or letter. Within 30 working days of sending the acknowledgement e-mail or letter the management takes a position on the submitted complaint. The complainant shall be informed thereof in writing. In the first instance, an attempt will be made to mediate in the complaint. If this does not lead to the desired result, an independent complaints committee will be called in.

Any complaint received about NFIR acting as a private investigation agency within the meaning of the WPBR will be brought to the attention of the Minister of Security and Justice by NFIR. The Minister will receive a copy of the complaint lodged.

You can read the full complaint procedure at the link below:


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The next 30 minutes are crucial!

The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because rapid response can limit damage, prevent further spread of the attack and secure essential evidence for investigation and recovery.

Our Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are available 24/7 to support businesses and organizations during IT security incidents.

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