
MDR seminar
Security Monitoring and File Monitoring

Sign up for MDR seminar
June 30, 2022

The MDR seminar security monitoring and file monitoring is now filled. If you wish to attend a future seminar, please send a message to:

Security Monitoring and File Monitoring

Our Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service is designed to protect your data and interests even when a threat evades organisations’ general security controls. Our MDR security platform is an advanced 24/7 security control that covers a range of fundamental security activities, including cloud managed security for organisations that cannot maintain their own security centre. In addition to securing your company’s data and customer data, the government, with the GDPR (AVG) legislation, also requires you to take appropriate measures to protect personal information where you are a data controller or processor.

Within NFIR, we do this with a fully assembled team consisting of SOC Analysts, Security Engineers, Developers, Data Analysts, Service and Project Managers and Business Consultants. Our MDR department has a split into disciplines: Security Monitoring and Dossier Monitoring.

Program June 30, 2022

EHR & ECD Insights: Dossier monitoring for healthcare
MDR seminar

Maartje Vermeulen

Cyber security officer

Passionate and incorruptible professional with long standing (inter)national experience, who values service and quality.

NFIR.co.uk: Preventive Services: Pentests,Security Monitoring,Security Awareness,File Monitoring,Security Contracts,Social Engineering; Reactive Services:Incident Response,Incident Response Retainer,Digital Forensics

Day Chair

Dennis Slier

Commercial Director | Project Lead Incident Response | Cyber Security

My heart goes out to IT-Security issues, Incident Response, Digital Forensics and commercial challenges

NFIR.co.uk: Preventive Services: Pentests,Security Monitoring,Security Awareness,File Monitoring,Security Contracts,Social Engineering; Reactive Services:Incident Response,Incident Response Retainer,Digital Forensics

Dennis has been successful in his career in leadership roles, Business Development and as a Product Owner in Software development. He is decisive, solution-oriented, a team player and a quick thinker. He is always willing to develop himself and likes to follow technological developments.

MDR seminar

Bas Pietersen

MDR specialist at NFIR

With over 7 years of working experience in the IT sector, Bas has a lot of expertise in making the right translation of daily problems into automated solutions.

NFIR.co.uk: Preventive Services: Pentests,Security Monitoring,Security Awareness,File Monitoring,Security Contracts,Social Engineering; Reactive Services:Incident Response,Incident Response Retainer,Digital Forensics

The ultimate All-in-One management platform for the professional organizations that want to have their network in order that is Bas’ objective every day.

MDR seminar
Security Monitoring and File Monitoring

Sign up for MDR seminar
June 30, 2022

The MDR seminar security monitoring and file monitoring is now filled. If you wish to attend a future seminar, please send a message to:


De volgende 30 minuten zijn van cruciaal belang​!

De eerste 30 minuten na een cyber security incident zijn cruciaal, omdat een snelle en adequate reactie de schade kan beperken. Daarnaast kan verdere verspreiding van de aanval worden voorkomen en kan essentieel bewijsmateriaal veiliggesteld worden voor nader onderzoek.

Ons Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) staat 24/7 klaar om bedrijven en organisaties te ondersteunen bij IT-beveiligingsincidenten.

Heeft uw bedrijf professionele hulp nodig bij een beveiligingsincident? 

* LET OP: Wij werken uitsluiten voor bedrijven en organisaties.


The next 30 minutes are crucial!

The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because a quick and adequate response can limit the damage.
In addition, further spread of the attack can be prevented and essential evidence can be secured for further investigation.

Our Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is available 24/7 to support businesses and organizations during IT security incidents.

Does your company need professional help with a security incident?

* NOTE: We work exclusively for companies and organizations.