
Security Engineer Managed Detection & Response

Location Zwolle / The Hague – Minimum 32 hours per week.

Be part of our Security Monitoring team

Personal and company data must be protected to the fullest extent possible. The NFIR provides automated SIEM/SOC solutions to actively monitor network activities and file data in applications. We have developed these Managed Detection & Response (MDR) services with our team of driven software developers and above all security specialists to relieve our clients as much as possible. The deployment of our MDR solutions eliminates the need to manually analyze log files for the purpose of network traffic and perform random testing. Think of it as a fire alarm for understanding rogue network traffic or unauthorized file opening. For example, in an Electronic Patient (or Client) Record. We offer these solutions to public sector organizations, hospitals and healthcare facilities. As a Security Engineer, you may soon be working on the development and maintenance of these services. Want to know if you are cut out for this position? Then read quickly what this versatile position has to offer you.

Job Description

As a Security Engineer, you are the all-round specialist in the field of Cyber Security within the Managed Detection & Response (MDR) services. At NFIR, you will work in a multidisciplinary team of service managers, business consultants, SOC analysts, software developers and data analysts. As an all-round specialist, you will be responsible within this team for optimizing and improving the security and continuity of MDR services. You will have a very diverse range of duties, fulfilling different roles within the MDR team.

So no day is the same as a Security Engineer at NFIR. For example, as a Security Engineer, you will collaborate on the development of program code, build use cases in the Elastic platform, and collaborate on walkout reports in support of the SOC analysts. You will also stay well informed of current threats in the field of Cybercrime, allowing you to use this knowledge in the development of new systems, software and use cases.

Function requirements

  • You are technically literate and do not shy away from technical challenges;
  • You have a good ability to work independently and as part of a team;
  • You have some programming experience in e.g. Javascript, PHP or Python;
  • The concepts of IDS/IPS, SIEM, Docker / Kubernetes and Ansible are not foreign to you;
  • You have good communication skills;
  • You are available for a minimum of 32 hours per week;
  • HBO/WO work and/or thinking level required;
  • Experience with Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash (ELK) is a plus;
  • Because of the work, a corps heritage approval is required.

Work in a vibrant and professional team

When you join NFIR, you will join a young and energetic team composed of diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. NFIR is a fast growing Dutch company where the passion for IT-Security is huge, but the drive to help clients is even bigger. Even in an era of working from home, that energy is palpable and new colleagues quickly feel in place. We want you to have a great time but also to develop personally. We offer plenty of training opportunities and we promise you; no day will be the same at NFIR. At NFIR, you will work in a professional and informal environment. All employees have a Chief of Police Permission, we hold a POB permit and have ISO270001 certification. Our clients are served by the very best IT Security specialists who work competently and procedurally. A team of specialists that you can be a part of. In addition to hard work, there is also time for relaxation and fun team outings. Do you still have doubts? Read our attractive terms of employment below.

Terms of employment

NFIR maintains a competitive salary, based on completed education, certifications and experience. The secondary benefits are also very well organized (telephone, laptop, pension, profit-sharing scheme and various training opportunities).

Got excited about this vacancy? Please send your CV and cover letter to Arwi van der Sluijs at vacatures@nfir.nl. For questions about this vacancy you can of course also contact us first.

* Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated.

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De volgende 30 minuten zijn van cruciaal belang​!

De eerste 30 minuten na een cyber security incident zijn cruciaal, omdat een snelle en adequate reactie de schade kan beperken. Daarnaast kan verdere verspreiding van de aanval worden voorkomen en kan essentieel bewijsmateriaal veiliggesteld worden voor nader onderzoek.

Ons Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) staat 24/7 klaar om bedrijven en organisaties te ondersteunen bij IT-beveiligingsincidenten.

Heeft uw bedrijf professionele hulp nodig bij een beveiligingsincident? 

* LET OP: Wij werken uitsluiten voor bedrijven en organisaties.


The next 30 minutes are crucial!

The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because a quick and adequate response can limit the damage.
In addition, further spread of the attack can be prevented and essential evidence can be secured for further investigation.

Our Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is available 24/7 to support businesses and organizations during IT security incidents.

Does your company need professional help with a security incident?

* NOTE: We work exclusively for companies and organizations.