
Employees are exposed to realistic cyber attacks during smishing tests to raise awareness.
NFIR beeldmerk kleur
NFIR beeldmerk kleur


Employees are exposed to realistic cyber attacks during smishing tests to raise awareness.

It is often a text message that often makes us very happy “your package is on its way. In a hurry, we want to click on the link and follow the package. It is precisely this human curiosity that cybercriminals exploit at that moment. These and more advanced social engineering techniques are used in smishing. Smishing is a type of phishing attack that uses text messages. Every employee in your organization who has access to a mobile device is a potential target of smishing. With a smishing test, you reduce the chances that your employees will actually fall prey to this hard-to-detect form of phishing.

Social engineering: make humans the strongest link

How does smishing work?

Smishing (SMS phishing) is the fraudulent practice of sending text messages to mobile devices that appear to come from financial institutions or legitimate businesses. Smishing works by posing as a trusted contact, bank or company and tricking the user into providing sensitive information. Smishing messages often contain malicious links that direct users to fake websites that mimic legitimate services. Smishing messages often have an urgent tone and ask the user to call a number immediately to resolve a situation. The messages are sent directly to your cell phone and appear to come from someone you know or trust, so it can be easy to click on the links. The purpose of smishing is to obtain sensitive personal information such as account numbers, passwords or other personally identifiable information. As with all social engineering attacks, smishing again exploits human characteristics. That makes every employee of every organization susceptible to being victimized by smishing.

Why should my organization conduct a smishing test?

A legitimate text message and one coming from a cybercriminal are very similar and difficult to distinguish. Therefore, the success rate of a smishing attack is high. As a result, such an attack among employees may not be noticed immediately and its reporting may be delayed or fail altogether. Every employee today has access to one or more phones, making everyone a potential target. Cybercriminals know this well and obviously take advantage of it. It is therefore a common phishing method. What is unique about this method is that it puts the attacker in direct contact with humans. This direct contact provides opportunities that the attackers can make good use of. This allows them to easily apply different social engineering techniques, which they can adjust immediately to get the best results. Thus, they build a bond of trust or, remove suspicion and respond to the victim’s emotion.

During our smishing test, we also use the social engineering techniques mentioned above. That way, we can mimic an authentic attack as much as possible during the test. After all, cybersecurity awareness increases the most when employees encounter tangible examples. A smishing test brings the consequences of smishing very close and makes it very clear how difficult it is to distinguish an authentic text message from a smishing attack. The smishing test will bcontribute to understanding and awareness and get organizations thinking. Key findings from this exercise will lead to action items needed to reduce the impact in the event of a potential incident. The result of a smishing test provides a good basis for taking targeted measures in line with laws and regulations and that match your organization’s pain points. Current AVG laws and regulations require organizations to take appropriate measures to eliminate cyber risks as much as possible.

Become resilient against the most common technique used by cybercriminals

Become resilient against the most common technique used by cybercriminals

Also check out our other security awareness services


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