Security Awareness Presentations

The threat of USB dropping involves installing malware via undetected USB sticks.
NFIR beeldmerk kleur
NFIR beeldmerk kleur

Security Awareness Presentations

The threat of USB dropping involves installing malware via undetected USB sticks.

There is a keychain with a USB stick in the cafeteria. Who does the keychain belong to, who leaves it here unattended? Looking at what it says is then a natural reaction. A human reaction that can carry great risks. Attackers can use social engineering techniques to arouse a victim’s curiosity or greed and encourage him to insert the USB Stick into the computer by an unsuspecting person. People often do not consider the dangers of an (infected) USB Stick.

Security Awareness Presentations

USB drop: A new and dangerous cyber threat

USB dropping is a cyber threat that is still current. Once the USB flash drive is inserted into the victim’s computer, malicious files can be automatically downloaded onto the device in certain circumstances, without any interaction from the victim.

What is the purpose of our USB drop action?

The goal of this attack is to install malicious software, such as malware, on the victim’s computer and gain access to their system. But sometimes a signal that the USB stick has been inserted into the computer and the files opened is sufficient for the client.

Our USB drop action simulates a real attack on your organization. During this attack, insight is provided on how to respond to this attack and the possible consequences of a successful attack. It provides a great starting point to increase employee resilience and raise awareness levels.

Organizations can protect themselves from USB-Dropping attacks through employee awareness and training.

In a USB drop, the following research questions are formulated:

  • Are employees informed and aware of the dangers of a USB flash drive?
  • Do employees know the rules about, of, for using USB sticks?
  • What happens if an employee finds a bunch of keys with a USB stick attached, will it be put into the computer?
  • Are any employees putting the USB stick in the computer?

The USB stick is often combined with a mystery guest visit. It is also possible to send the USB flash drive by mail. Together with you, we can adapt the research questions and tailor the USB drop action more to your organization. Contact our social engineering account managers via the button below

Become resilient against the most common technique used by cybercriminals

Become resilient against the most common technique used by cybercriminals

Also check out our other security awareness services


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The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because rapid response can limit damage, prevent further spread of the attack and secure essential evidence for investigation and recovery.

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