Digital forensics: Fraud

NFIR beeldmerk kleur
NFIR beeldmerk kleur

Digital forensics: Fraud


When you face fraud in your area, it can cause a lot of damage to yourself or your business. In addition, the situation probably causes a lot of stress and you may fear reputational damage. Fraud comes in many shapes and sizes, but some of the scenarios you might think of with fraud include:

  • Falsification of documentation
  • Forgery of communications
  • Scam
  • Credit Fraud

Digital traces that can play a (major) role in a fraud investigation include mail communications, documents found or not found on computers and metadata of these documents. NFIR’s digital forensics team can conduct this trace investigation for you and give you a legitimate interest in conducting a fraud investigation.

Digital forensic investigation at NFIR

Can I just call in an investigation team if I suspect fraud?

You are free to hire an investigation firm to get to the bottom of it. However, a research firm, such as NFIR, must determine whether you have a legitimate interest in conducting the research. That is, your interest outweighs the privacy violation of the person(s) being investigated. That is, you must be effectively harmed by the fraud committed. This could include, for example, reputational damage. 

What possible evidence do I need to provide before NFIR may/can get started on fraud investigations?

Any documentation or evidence surrounding the fraud incident or its suspicion must be provided to NFIR investigators. In this way, a clear picture is quickly created and a customized plan of action can be created. Consider daily records, inventory discrepancies, work schedules, policy documents, etc.

Do you also offer legal help in fraud investigations?

NFIR is not a legal firm. However, we work closely with reputable lawyers who are happy to assist you with all issues surrounding the fraud investigation.

Digital forensics?

Use our report in court or when you make a report to another
official body (such as the Data Protection Authority).

Also check out our other Digital Forensics services

Digital Forensics

NFIR specialises in the collection, identification and validation of digital information. We can find out whether (un)conscious actions have led to the consequences you experience.


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The next 30 minutes are crucial!

The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because rapid response can limit damage, prevent further spread of the attack and secure essential evidence for investigation and recovery.

Our Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are available 24/7 to support businesses and organizations during IT security incidents.

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