
Top 10 best tips for data security


As we store more and more data digitally, the risk of dangerous data breaches and information theft also increases. Whether your organization handles confidential customer information or stores valuable business information; protecting your data should be top priority. To get you started, we offer 10 tips for ensuring the security of your business data.

In short

A good approach to securing your corporate data includes regularly updating authentication and authorization measures, encryption of data and constant monitoring of systems and networks. Having strong access policies and procedures is also important to ensure that unauthorized access is quickly identified and addressed. In addition, employee training is essential for safe handling of corporate data and recognizing threats.

10 tips

1. Understand data security risk

A good approach to securing your corporate data includes regularly updating authentication and authorization measures, encryption of data and constant monitoring of systems and networks. Having strong access policies and procedures is also important to ensure that unauthorized access is quickly identified and addressed. In addition, employee training is essential for safe handling of corporate data and recognizing threats.

Understanding the risk of data security being too weak is essential to prevent potential damage or losses that could occur as a result of malicious intent or mistakes.

Threats can be both internal and external:

  • Phishing
  • Malware and viruses
  • Password leaks
  • Server crashes
  • Employees who may have access to sensitive information

It is important to know what could possibly go wrong and how much damage it could cause. Organizations must analyze their current risk environment and assess the likelihood and impact of potential attacks on their systems. With a better understanding of data security risks comes the ability to develop more targeted strategies for protecting confidential information.

2. Know what data is confidential

Knowing what data is considered confidential is critical to maintaining effective data security.

Confidential data may include:

  • Financial data
  • Patient files
  • Employee Information
  • Customer Information
  • Trade secrets
  • Intellectual property

Establishing clear protocols on how to handle confidential data, such as restricting or encrypting access, is critical to preventing a data breach or other rogue activity.

As an organization, you can also choose to give only a few people access to confidential data.
This can be done by setting up multiple layers of authentication for people with authorized access and tracking any unauthorized attempts to gain access.

In general, it is important for businesses, government agencies and nonprofit organizations to recognize what types of information need extra protection and develop procedures to help protect it. If your organization takes proper precautions and creates habits that maintain the confidentiality of this data, the risk of its breach is significantly reduced.

3. Update your malware protection

It is important to have up to date malware protection to ensure that your data remains safe. It is also essential to understand the pros and cons of different anti-malware programs.

Benefits of automated malware scanners include faster detection of malicious activity and blocking deceptive downloads and attachments that can open the door to hackers and malicious actors.

On the other hand, there is debate about the reliability of automated malware protection scanners versus manual scans, as some suggest that it is easier to miss potential threats when you rely on automation.

Ultimately, both solutions have their advantages and disadvantages. Whatever form you choose, it is important that software is regularly updated with the latest security patches to better protect against newly discovered vulnerabilities and potential threats.

4. Keep your network protected

Network security is a critical component of data security because it can provide an additional layer of defense against malicious attacks. To ensure that your network is protected from the latest threats, enable your router’s firewall and also update certain firewall rules if necessary. This provides an additional means of protection against intrusion.

In addition, you should always restrict access to your networks based on authority and identity verification. If you are going to use connected devices on the same network as computers or other sensitive systems, weigh the potential risks thoroughly and consider alternative solutions such as isolating them in a separate network or employing encryption methods when passing sensitive data between them. By taking extra precautions now, you can properly protect valuable data in the future.

According to a study by IBM, 60% of organizations experiencing an attack take more than 6 months to discover the breach. Do you want to be better prepared for this now, act on it faster and detect it? NFIR has preventive services that ensure that your data is more secure and that immediate action can be taken in the event of an incident.

Data better secured, well prepared and immediate action on incidents? Check out NFIR’s preventive services.

5. Apply appropriate security measures

As per the AVG, appropriate security measures must be applied when processing and storing data. Avoid using default password settings or sharing passwords between multiple user accounts.

In addition, client-side filtering can be used on Web sites to prevent users from entering potentially malicious scripts or downloads. It is also recommended that data be transferred only over secure networks and not through unprotected channels such as public Wi-Fi hotspots. Data should also be actively monitored to detect suspicious activity or breaches in real time.

Want to know where you stand on your cybersecurity and how to take your security level to the next level?

6. Implement encryption protocols.

The next step in protecting your data is to implement encryption protocols. Encryption protocols can help protect against unauthorized access and data breaches. Without encryption, your data can be easily intercepted and read by anyone who can access it. Encryption encrypts data in an unreadable form, making it nearly impossible for an unauthorized party to understand the information. By using encryption protocols, you can ensure that only those with valid credentials (a key, code or password) can access your sensitive information.

7. Use strong passwords

Whenever possible, use strong passwords that are long and complex so they cannot be easily guessed. This should include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Additionally, by avoiding more predictable passwords such as birth dates or names, it is much more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access important data. In addition, we recommend that you implement two-factor authentication. You can also use password phrases or a password manager that generates these passwords for everyone.

8. Think prevention rather than reaction

There are numerous options available to preemptively secure your data, ranging from twofactor authentication to network segmentation and encryption; all of which can help reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

In the end, prevention is always better than reaction when things go wrong. It requires an investment of time and money, but the reality is that preventive measures are much cheaper than fixing an attack.

It is also important for organizations to continually assess and update their cybersecurity plans as threats evolve and technology advances.

NFIR has several preventive services to secure corporate data. If things do go wrong, we will help you contain and respond to the incident.

9. Be proactive about cybersecurity

Being proactive about cybersecurity is essential for businesses to protect data from unauthorized access, rogue attacks and other potential threats. One of the most effective measures companies can take to stay on top of their data security is regular threat assessments. Threat assessments can identify potential vulnerability areas and enable companies to resolve any issues before an attack occurs. >In addition, risk management protocols should be implemented to establish acceptable levels of data security risk within the organization. The goal here is to balance resource efficiency and data protection by determining what risks are acceptable and ensuring that appropriate countermeasures are taken.

To know how to prepare your organization for a cyber attack or to test how your organization responds to a cyber attack,you can perform a dry-run with NFIR.

10. Train employees

Finally, training employees on cybersecurity is an important part of proactively engaged in securing data.


  • Educate staff about phishing attacks,
  • Learning techniques for creating passwords
  • Investing in safe Internet usage habits
  • Learning to recognize suspicious situations

Providing employees with regular training on these topics will help them better understand how to help protect company data at all times. Regular training will also lead to behavior change, making employees safer with data and better at recognizing threats such as phishing.

NFIR can help train employees regularly on current situations.


De volgende 30 minuten zijn van cruciaal belang​!

De eerste 30 minuten na een cyber security incident zijn cruciaal, omdat een snelle en adequate reactie de schade kan beperken. Daarnaast kan verdere verspreiding van de aanval worden voorkomen en kan essentieel bewijsmateriaal veiliggesteld worden voor nader onderzoek.

Ons Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) staat 24/7 klaar om bedrijven en organisaties te ondersteunen bij IT-beveiligingsincidenten.

Heeft uw bedrijf professionele hulp nodig bij een beveiligingsincident? 

* LET OP: Wij werken uitsluiten voor bedrijven en organisaties.


The next 30 minutes are crucial!

The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because a quick and adequate response can limit the damage.
In addition, further spread of the attack can be prevented and essential evidence can be secured for further investigation.

Our Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is available 24/7 to support businesses and organizations during IT security incidents.

Does your company need professional help with a security incident?

* NOTE: We work exclusively for companies and organizations.