

MDR Security Monitoring intern September 2024

In this position, you will focus on consultative sales of preventive security services. These include pen testing, security monitoring, dossier monitoring, incident response retainers, CIS controls advisory projects, security awareness programs (and separate services) and social engineering. You know the challenges that CISOs, IT Managers, ISOs and CIOs face in the IT security arena, and you know how NFIR’s security services fit right in. You create confidence by transferring your knowledge about NFIR’s services and NFIR’s areas of expertise to current and prospective clients. You are revenue responsible for your own sales targets and work to build long-term relationships with our customers. In this position, you will work with project coordinators, technical leads, security monitoring specialists and security consultants. These colleagues support you on technical content or in delivering the services you have sold. You will report directly to the Commercial Director.

MDR Security Monitoring intern September 2024 Read More »

Marketing Communications intern February 2025

In this position, you will focus on consultative sales of preventive security services. These include pen testing, security monitoring, dossier monitoring, incident response retainers, CIS controls advisory projects, security awareness programs (and separate services) and social engineering. You know the challenges that CISOs, IT Managers, ISOs and CIOs face in the IT security arena, and you know how NFIR’s security services fit right in. You create confidence by transferring your knowledge about NFIR’s services and NFIR’s areas of expertise to current and prospective clients. You are revenue responsible for your own sales targets and work to build long-term relationships with our customers. In this position, you will work with project coordinators, technical leads, security monitoring specialists and security consultants. These colleagues support you on technical content or in delivering the services you have sold. You will report directly to the Commercial Director.

Marketing Communications intern February 2025 Read More »

pentest, auditconnect, security

Project coordinator pentesting and awareness (minimum 32 hours)

Together with your colleagues, you will be responsible for scheduling and have an important role in managing the services sold. The team includes account managers, technical leads and ethical hackers. You will have direct contact with clients on pentest projects, awareness services and the awareness programs we offer. You know how to inform clients clearly and how to prepare projects in the best possible way for our ethical hackers and other security specialists. In addition, you will contribute to the development of new services. The project processes are well developed, but we are always open to suggestions to serve our clients even better.

Project coordinator pentesting and awareness (minimum 32 hours) Read More »


Sales support associate (minimum 32 hours)

This role is also called inside sales representative or account management support person. What matters is that we are looking for a new colleague to perform sales support work for the commercial team of 4 account managers. You can think of helping to prepare security quotes, keeping track of sales requests, processing orders to invoicing, keeping track of the ERP package. You will work closely with three project coordinators.

Sales support associate (minimum 32 hours) Read More »

Hacker Hotel NFIR

Marketing and events specialist (minimum 32 hours)

In this role you will perform highly varied marketing tasks. You are responsible for placing content on the website, you support the (external) online marketer to develop SEO and SEA campaigns, have animations made, post regularly on our socials, manage an external blogger and help organize events. These include client and prospect events and events we sponsor (such as HackerHotel). You will also work on setting up marketing automation projects to get the most out of our prospects and customers.You will also contribute to the implementation of the new logo, tag-offs and corporate identity in all our internal and external expressions.

Marketing and events specialist (minimum 32 hours) Read More »

Dossier Monitoring

IT Security Account Manager (32 to 40 hours).

In this position, you will focus on consultative sales of preventive security services. These include pen testing, security monitoring, dossier monitoring, incident response retainers, CIS controls advisory projects, security awareness programs (and separate services) and social engineering. You know the challenges that CISOs, IT Managers, ISOs and CIOs face in the IT security arena, and you know how NFIR’s security services fit right in. You create confidence by transferring your knowledge about NFIR’s services and NFIR’s areas of expertise to current and prospective clients. You are revenue responsible for your own sales targets and work to build long-term relationships with our customers. In this position, you will work with project coordinators, technical leads, security monitoring specialists and security consultants. These colleagues support you on technical content or in delivering the services you have sold. You will report directly to the Commercial Director.

IT Security Account Manager (32 to 40 hours). Read More »

incident response, incident response plan, effective, incident response, team

Project Lead Incident Response

No organization is immune from a cyber incident. The damage that an IT Security incident can cause can be enormous. Not only the financial damage but certainly the reputational damage is sometimes considerable. It is not always possible to prevent an incident, but it is possible to limit the damage as much as possible and to investigate the cause of the incident properly. In doing so, acting quickly and accurately is of great importance. NFIR’s CERT is on standby 24/7 for its clients to address any IT Security incident. The Project Lead role is indispensable to manage these projects. Is this challenge for you? Then read on quickly.

Project Lead Incident Response Read More »

pentest, auditconnect, security

Senior ethical hacker & technical lead

One of the main goals within NFIR is to increase the resilience of organizations. To get an accurate picture of technical resilience, they can have a penetration test performed by us. As a senior ethical hacker, your goal is to uncover vulnerabilities and report on them in detail so they can be fixed before unauthorized people take advantage of them. IT security has never been more important and you get to put it to the test for a variety of interesting clients. All this you do not do alone, but together with a team of experienced, creative and skilled pentesters. Do you see yourself filling this role already? Then read on quickly.

Senior ethical hacker & technical lead Read More »

Digital Forensic Investigator

Digital Forensic Investigator wanted

Everyone leaves traces, even in the digital world. Do you know exactly where to find these traces and how to secure, investigate and report them properly? Then we’re looking for you! Digital Forensics – As crime has reached the digital realm in various ways in recent years, digital forensics has become of great importance. This can be used to answer questions such as: Who leaked business information? Is there a mandatory data breach? Who’s the sender of the blackmail e-mail?

Digital Forensic Investigator wanted Read More »

Security Engineer Managed Detection & Response

Security Engineer Managed Detection & Response

Personal and company data must be protected to the fullest extent possible. The NFIR provides automated SIEM/SOC solutions to actively monitor network activities and file data in applications. We have developed these Managed Detection & Response (MDR) services with our team of driven software developers and above all security specialists to relieve our clients as much as possible. The deployment of our MDR solutions eliminates the need to manually analyze log files for the purpose of network traffic and perform random testing. Think of it as a fire alarm for understanding rogue network traffic or unauthorized file opening. For example, in an Electronic Patient (or Client) Record. We offer these solutions to public sector organizations, hospitals and healthcare facilities. As a Security Engineer, you may soon be working on the development and maintenance of these services. Want to know if you are cut out for this position? Then read quickly what this versatile position has to offer you.

Security Engineer Managed Detection & Response Read More »


De volgende 30 minuten zijn van cruciaal belang​!

De eerste 30 minuten na een cyber security incident zijn cruciaal, omdat een snelle en adequate reactie de schade kan beperken. Daarnaast kan verdere verspreiding van de aanval worden voorkomen en kan essentieel bewijsmateriaal veiliggesteld worden voor nader onderzoek.

Ons Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) staat 24/7 klaar om bedrijven en organisaties te ondersteunen bij IT-beveiligingsincidenten.

Heeft uw bedrijf professionele hulp nodig bij een beveiligingsincident? 

* LET OP: Wij werken uitsluiten voor bedrijven en organisaties.


The next 30 minutes are crucial!

The first 30 minutes after a cyber security incident are crucial because a quick and adequate response can limit the damage.
In addition, further spread of the attack can be prevented and essential evidence can be secured for further investigation.

Our Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is available 24/7 to support businesses and organizations during IT security incidents.

Does your company need professional help with a security incident?

* NOTE: We work exclusively for companies and organizations.